Thursday, December 27, 2007

Links +updates +rant

heh... hello just finished Myself; Yourself review... check it out ^^... well just reporting in that Hellsing and Chobits links are now fixed (meaning the links arn't stolen but where uploaded my yours truly,Doc) ^^...

I'd also like to ask... what do YOU think about visual novels being commercialized more by North American companies and not just in japan? I mean if you want a good visual novel chances are it isn't in English and you'd have to learn Japanese to play one >.>...

p.s. theres a myself; yourself ps2 game coming out only in japan only soon ^^...

p.s.s. theres also a Clannad xbox360 game coming out only in japan as well... stay tuned... I'll surely have a review for Clannad as soon as it's done ^^... and probaly a rant on how they should translate the Clannad game ^^... oh and if you've been following the Clannad series its a nice show isn't it ^^?