Friday, December 21, 2007

~Attention~ Stolen Links

Well.. it has come to my attention... that some of the links from this blog ARE STOLEN >.>.... i will talk to the people uploading it... so... umm... don't kill me >.>... i will remove the links when i find my copies for now I'll just give the people who uploaded it some credit ^^.... unless i get an email saying you want them remove and that you'll castrate me unless i don't do it asap... soo until next time folks...

p.s. all the links i post at not stolen so don't flame me ^^... soo CASTRATE THE ONE WHO DID IT NOT ME!!! *kawarimi no jutsu switches with the culprit* HE DID IT!!... ^^....

p.s.s. some of the links for Detective Conan says it uploaded for but i'm sure you can tell i uploaded it >.> uploaded by Doc for just too lazy to reup it with a different description...